One thing not to include in an email to a journalist
Photo by Adam Solomon on Unsplash
Hi everyone
I could probably write a Buzzfeed style listicle of what not to include in an email to a journalist (maybe that's a newsletter I'll write one day), but I wanted to hone in today on founders and PRs needlessly apologising to journalists when they're emailing them.
I'll give you a couple of examples of emails I've received recently:
“Sorry to bother you but I thought you might be interested in news that....”
“I apologise for messaging...”
Now I know journalists are inundated with emails (who isn't?) but as long as you've done your research in targeting said journalist and the publication, there is nothing to apologise for if you're simply sending over a pitch. You're just doing your job. And remember, this is what freelance journalists do for a living – they pitch into the void too.
Sorry can be like a verbal tick, especially to us Brits who seem to have a real penchant for the word. But apologising for sending a pitch won't impress a journalist, it just makes the sender look like they're lacking in confidence. Instead of apologising, just go straight into the pitch.
Of course, if you screw up (which we all do sometimes), then by all means say sorry. But otherwise, stop apologising.
Have a great rest of the week.