It's celebration time
Photo by Erwan Hesry
Hi everyone,
I hope you're all very well.
Celebration time is in order as this newsletter turns one next week! What started as a last-minute decision to throw into the void a newsletter demystifying the journalism industry and helping businesses and PRs understand the media more in the midst of the pandemic in April 2020 has led to a regular newsletter with thousands of readers and heartwarming engagement stats to boot.
Over the course of the past year, I've covered subjects such as how to build stronger relationships with journalists, the devastating impact of the pandemic on the industry, pitching, racism in the media, my advice to a budding young journalist, an exclusive interview with former female prisoners in Myanmar, and so on. I hope it's proved a useful resource.
So what's next? I'm bouncing around a few ideas on where I'd like to take the newsletter which of course I'll keep you up to date with. What I would love to know is what subjects would you like covered in the next year?
Also, fingers crossed, I'm hoping to restart my face-to-face workshops in the autumn. I'd love to return to gallivanting around the UK (and further afield when the time feels right) and meeting some of you. Please let me know if you're part of a group in an area that would like me to hold a workshop. What would you love a webinar or workshop in? What are your press coverage struggles right now?
Finally, I wouldn't have continued this newsletter without you. Thank you so much for your support over the past year. Thank you for sharing the newsletter with others so it can reach a bigger audience (you can do that by sending people this link), for writing testimonials on my social media pages, and for your lovely emails. It is all so so much appreciated.
Thank you for reading and your continued support.
Enjoy the long Bank Holiday,