I'd Love Your Help To Keep My Newsletter Going
Photo by Jon Tyson
Hi everyone,
More than a year has passed since I started writing this newsletter a couple of months after outbreak of Covid-19 here in the UK. Created at a time when I lost a lovely regular Guardian slot and saw much of my work disappear including my in-person workshops, the newsletter has continued to give me a sense of ownership during what's been a rollercoaster period.
The newsletter has evolved over the past year - in content and subscribers - but with that comes commitment. Kudos to anyone reading who has a newsletter; you'll knows how much time can be spent on each edition (not forgetting the backend work, which I pay someone to help me with). Recently I've had to think about its future and I've come to the decision that I need to make the newsletter financially viable and part of a sustainable business model.
I know from the stats and the messages and support you've shown me, whether that's on social media or direct to me, that most of you read the newsletter (phew!), and importantly, enjoy the newsletter and find it useful.
This has led me to the decision to launch a paid-for newsletter. Don't worry, though, the free newsletter will continue to be published every two weeks but will be a slightly trimmed down version of what you've been receiving. At the same time, paid subscribers will not only receive the newsletter but much more content from me and other journalists on how to secure press coverage and build relationships with journalists land in their inbox (including two forthcoming FREE webinars with The Drum and Digiday), plus 10% off my Lessons from a Journalist course (saving £19.99), and a free copy of my 17 Insider Tips on Pitching to Journalists During Coronavirus ebook, and discounts on any further events.
I hope many of who are able to and in a position to will be able to pay to receive extra useful content from me, which will help make the whole of the newsletter more viable. In doing so, you are also supporting me and my journalism. As you know, the industry is taking a battering, but your support means I can also spend more time creating purposeful journalism.
How you can help the newsletter continue:
Subscribe to the paid newsletter. For the price of a couple of coffees/green teas (or whatever your tipple is) or a cinema ticket per month, you will receive:
Access to more exclusive and insider PR tips, opportunities and need-t0-know news and content from me - including how I source my case studies - to help you understand what journalists want and how to land the best press coverage for you or your client
Interesting and informative guest posts from other journalists to help widen your perspective on securing media coverage and understand how to pitch them
Two FREE webinars with The Drum and Digiday editors
Discounts on future events and 10% off my course
Heartfelt gratitude that you're helping the newsletter continue and you're supporting journalism
(PS don't forget that you should be able to claim it as a business expense.)
How you can help me for free:
Share this newsletter with others. Could you forward the sign-up link to your team, your friends, and post about it on social media? It might seem small and it doesn’t cost a thing, but it’s a HUGE help for me.
Tell me how this newsletter has helped you. If this newsletter has ever helped you in some way, please let me know about it either by replying directly to me or adding a testimonial to my social media channels.
Thank you for your support.
Have a great rest of the week.