suzanne bearne suzanne bearne

Here's what to avoid doing in media interviews

Generally, I love to chat. But when it comes to interviews, I’ll go through some level of small talk before cracking on with the interview. I had a situation recently where I was joined by several people on an interview on Zoom (not my ideal situation and I didn’t know the community manager was joining along, I’m still not sure why). Obviously there was a few tech issues to start with, and then after explaining the story, I was about to start the interview when someone suggested everyone introduce themselves properly. By then it was already about 12 minutes into the 30-minute call. The first person spoke about her background, where she had worked before. The next person spoke, again for a few minutes, so when it came to me I said, "Actually we’ve only got 15 minutes left. Could we move on with the interview?" (I had said who I was at the start of the call and explained the nature of the piece over email and the phone).  No, the next person also jumped in and shared their work history. Cue squeezing in a limited number of questions.

Another recent interview involved interviewing someone who wanted to share a lot of information on their backstory. Every time I jumped in to direct the interview back to where I needed it to flow, it went off in another direction. It was interesting but I spent about four times as long as I expected on that call. Now in this instant, she was a real life interview so I needed to build her trust and I could tell she wanted to explain more about background till she was happy to share the rest. 

But it made me think it might be worth sharing a few pointers to help you/your client when it comes to media interviews:

  • Please be mindful of how much time you have. Spending 15 minutes on your backstory in a 30-minute interview is poor etiquette. Unless a journalist asks, don’t go overboard sharing your own backstory. Many a time I have dived into an interview and then the founder want to start at the beginning (none of which might have made the cut).  "For example, so when I was 15 I did GCSEs in, and then…". Make it succinct. A journalist will certainly stop and ask you if they need more on your backstory but honestly, giving us the whole working history (unless asked for), isn't needed.

  • Don’t make your answers longwinded. Be succinct. Practice good soundbites.

  • Listen to a journalist. If they’re trying to bring you back in, listen to their question – don’t continually go off on a tangent.

  • Also, be wary of bringing facts too much into the discussion. I spoke to someone recently who kept pulling in statistics throughout the conversation. “Well, a recent survey of ours found 43% of customers.." and so on. We want anecdotes, not continual quotes with statistics thrown at us.

Hope that helps.

I have a brilliant media training session video named How to Win at Media Interviews with media trainer Guy Clapperton here for just £14.99 if you would like to bolster your skills. 

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suzanne bearne suzanne bearne

Reliving my old journalism life at a Taylor Swift concert

Last Friday night I joined almost 90,000 people to shake it off at a Taylor Swift concert. And no, it didn’t involve the usual searching online days before for a resale ticket (which is my usual way to buy my gig/festival tickets). Instead, I was offered one by a PR, thanks to a chance meeting in an east end pub three months before when he told me he had access to a box at Wembley. For the few weeks prior, I was inhaling the Eras playlist on Spotify, and then fast forward to last week, dancing in a box at Wembley. There was food, drinks, and the holy grail when there's a million girls and women - access to a toilet inside. It was total luxe even before I discovered Prince William was hanging out a couple of boxes down with his daughters.

During the evening I caught up with Daniel, the PR, and also met and hung out with the external PR (though we didn’t discuss what we did for a living till half way through the gig).

It was spectacular evening, regardless of whether you're a big Swiftie or not (tbh, I wasn't a fan until all my mates started whipping up tickets and posting about it on Instagram. Surprised that so many were into her, I started listening to her music...and found myself playing some songs on repeat).

The evening flung me back to my old life of working on a trade magazine writing about tech and the publishing industry. Back then the above was kind of the norm. There were invitations to boxes at the O2 flying through every week or so (never mind all the parties invites). It got me thinking about how when journalists leave their staff jobs to go freelance, the invites die down – drastically – despite there being, perhaps, more opportunities to work with said journalist across a range of titles. If you’re not already, it’s really worth looking at which freelancers you can invite to your next event, and no, it doesn’t need to be to see Taylor Swift [or insert any major musician]. With freelancers not having as many opportunities thrown at them, your success - and chance to build relationships - rate may be higher.

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suzanne bearne suzanne bearne

Want To Find Out About My New Launch?

Hi everyone

Some news: I've launched a Power Hour service –  a short yet informative online consultancy session.

During a Power Hour, you'll get the chance to ask any burning questions you have about approaching journalists, building relationships with the press, or any other gripping issue related to journalism or PR that you may have.

There's more information here, but feel free to email any questions you have.

And if I feel there's another journalist who is best placed to help you, I'll be able to direct you to some of the best in the business. 


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suzanne bearne suzanne bearne

Why I'm Not Going To Be Covering Your Press Release


Every day my inbox is teeming with press releases. News of a new launch. A new product. A merger. A new campaign. Some of the news I might have written in my old life as a reporter, whereas the title might indicate, my job was to cover news in my industry. During that time, strong interesting stories pinging in my inbox were gratefully received.

But not now. Today, like many freelancers, I write features. So those press releases dropping in my inbox are often a waste of time for everyone. As well as most not concerning the sectors I write about (that's another newsletter), the simple fact is I don't write news stories so I'm not going to be reporting on your press release. I no longer sit on a news desk writing about new launches so the hard truth is that unless you're able to come up with a solid feature idea (something I talk about a lot in my webinars and online course) related to the press release, it can be just a waste of an email.

Also, it's worth pointing out that if the news is going to get picked up, it will be covered by an in-house journalist so if we pitched the idea to an editor – it's already out there. And they're not going to pay us to write up a news release. As much as I wish during these challenging times.

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